Thanks for embarking on this journey with me. Hopefully, you will find words to encourage, edify, uplift, inspire, admonish, and most of all, motivate you.
You may not agree with my every thought or opinion, yet my hope is that you will take the time to think matters through, search yourself, and make an informed decision.
Life is a journey and a process. I've learned some valuable lessons along the way and I'm still learning day by day. I hope to share my discoveries, both new and old, with you.
Ultimately, my goal is to challenge and encourage you to be a better, healthier, happier you. However, there may be some dark spots along the way. Life doesn't always bring us good things and we have to take the good with the bad. But together, we will get through them all.
Here's to the health, happiness and wholeness of women everywhere!
I am finally finding the courage within to be "me," the woman God created me to be. I am an aspiring author as well a mother, full-time employee, skincare/cosmetics business owner, and minister in training.