Saturday, February 8, 2014

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

God has this miraculous way of putting things right in front of you so that you come smack dab, face to face, unstoppable confrontation with the real you.  Please let me be the first to say that I am not the judge or jury of any person on this planet.  I certainly have my own flaws, notice the 's' on the end indicating plural, multiple, etc..  I have not the power to condemn someone to hell or condone them into heaven.

With all that being said... How can we expect the world to serve God if we look like, conduct ourselves and blend in so harmoniously with the world?  If you talking like they talk, walking like they walk and doing what they do - what is the difference?  I know God is a God of grace and mercy.  Trust me, if he wasn't, I would have been dead many times over.

If you "turnt up" and doing it among them, with them, how are they supposed to see Jesus in that behavior?  If you cussing, smoking weed, drinking, and flat out kicking all week long - you one of the homies.  Just because you get cleaned up on Sunday to go and lift up "holy" hands - using the term loosely here, where is your witness?  Is your witness effective to the people you dwell among?  How do they view you?  What does your lifestyle say about God?  Is your worship really real?

You know what they say...You can fool some of the people some of the time.  But the truth is, you can't fool God none of the time.

Bringing me back to me, immediately after my marriage fell apart a few months ago, I was the same person I describe above.  And now, having come face to face with what that looks like, I see how I impacted my witness.  Some people want to see the church act like them because it justifies what they do and how they feel and why they refuse to accept Jesus.

We do ourselves and more importantly Jesus Christ a disservice when we don't live according to they way of holiness.  Like I said, I ain't perfect and probably ain't gon' be in this lifetime.  But please Lord, don't ever let me get some complacent and comfortable in wrongdoing that it no longer seems like I'm doing wrong to me.

I want my life and my lifestyle to glorify you.  Help me, help those of us who profess to love you and serve you, to live a life that is pleasing in your sight.  And if I haven't, Oh Lord, I must apologize.