Monday, October 1, 2012

Getting back into the swing of things

It's been a long time since I've posted, and that is entirely my fault. I've allowed life's changes, ups and downs, to move me away from what I do. What I do is write. When I write, I can begin to make sense of life's ups and downs. Writing helps me to sort things out and not get caught up - which is where I have been for a long time now. So, to recap... Ended a job in June 2011, as my sanity and well-being were on the line. Out of work for nearly 7 months - with no income whatsoever, unemployment benefits denied. Depleted life's savings to make ends meet. Thank God there was a life savings to begin with! Was blessed with a job in January 2012. Getting exposure in a great new field of financial planning. Downside - $12K per year pay cut. Result - short about $500/mo on bills. But God is still good! Hoping to get a loan modification on the mortgage or it may be time to seriously downsize. Husband came home in March 2012. Talk about a roller coaster! We've been married since 2006, but never lived together before now. This has been an adjustment for both of us. It is really hard for him because people with felony convictions have a difficult time obtaining employment. His patience and faith are being tested as the "old man" wants to revert back to past behaviors to make ends meet. He is extremely frustrated because he can't contribute to the household financially. His frustration translates into friction for us because as most of us do, we lash out at the ones closest to us. He's applied at temp agencies, completed a class at the Urban League for job readiness, and I've completed numerous applications for him online. It's like once the "Have you ever had a felony" box is checked, your app is immediately declined. As a wife, I'm doing my best to be an encourager. However, I must admit the burden wears on me as well from time to time. I am excited to get back into my master's program in ministry (specifically pastoral counseling) at Ohio Christian University. I love learning! Although, working full-time and going to school is stressful, I am looking forward to the growth I will experience academically, personally, and spiritually. Saying all of this to say... Life may be crazy at times, but God is still good and He is still in charge. Best advice is to keep it moving. My flesh longs to stay in "stuck" mode when things are not going well. But crazy is as crazy does. It would be crazy to remain standing still when God has so much more planned for us. There is a time and a season for everything and joy will come in the morning! Don't give up on God because He won't give up on you!

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